Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Meet the participants of the X-Mas Llandeilo Book Dair: Angela Fish

Angela Fish is a writer who specialises in intergenerational communication, women’s writing and Welsh Writing in English. She gained her MPhil in Literature at the University of Glamorgan (now the University of South Wales) in 1995, and became a principal lecturer there until 2009.  She also established and directed the Wales Centre for Intergenerational Practice, based at the university, in partnership with the Welsh Assembly Government and the Beth Johnson Foundation.  Her publications include non-fiction, fiction, short stories and poetry, often with Welsh and feminist themes, and she has worked with local schools and communities to improve communication between the generations. She has been in demand, nationally and internationally, as a conference presenter and an invited speaker in her field. Her first book for children,Ben and the Spider Gate was published in 2015 and the second, Ben and the Spider Prince was released in May 2016. The third in the series, Ben and the Spider Lake, will be out in September 2016. She is a member of the London Book Fair Authors’ Club and lives in south Wales.

Angela Fish
BA(Hons), MPhil, PGCEd, FHEA

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