Angela Fish will present her books at the Book Fair from 10:30 - 4pm in the Shire Hall.
At 2:15 pm Angela will read from her work at Eve's Toy Shop.
Come along and meet Ben, his best friend Jess, and Scoot the dog. Find out about their adventures with Lox, Guardian of the Spider Kingdom. Their first quest is to find the pieces of the Spider Gate which has been broken by the magpies, but they must do this before the leaves fall from the trees.
Meet Ben. Anturiaethau i blant am Ben a’i ffrindiau yn Nheyrnas y Corynnod
Come along and meet Ben, his best friend Jess, and Scoot the dog. Find out about their adventures with Lox, Guardian of the Spider Kingdom. Their first quest is to find the pieces of the Spider Gate which has been broken by the magpies, but they must do this before the leaves fall from the trees.
Meet Ben. Anturiaethau i blant am Ben a’i ffrindiau yn Nheyrnas y Corynnod

Their next challenge is to find three magic ingredients for the Spider Wizard to make a potion to cure the Spider Prince. Ben meets some scary creatures as he searches for the dragon’s breath fern. The final adventure takes Ben, Jess and Scoot to Spider Lake in the Dark Mountains where they meet a very special lady. Will she help them to find a new home for Lox and his friends? Maybe Ben’s wise gran knows the answers!
Links to find Angela;
Links to buy Angela’s wonderful books

Her first book for children, Ben and the Spider Gate was published in 2015 and the second, Ben and the Spider Prince was released in May 2016. The third in the series, Ben and the Spider Lake, came out in September 2016. A picture book, The Captain’s Favourite Treasure, will be released at the end of 2017/early 2018. She is currently working on another children’s book alongside a novel for adults.
Angela is a member of the Society of Authors; the Children’s Writers and Illustrators Group (CWIG - a subsidiary group within the Society); the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators [SCWBI] and lives in south Wales.

Christmas, Sunday, 13 September 2015
and the Spider Prince
amazing mix of fantasy and fairly normal school life makes this a must read for
pre-secondary school youngsters. Brilliant!”
Interviewed by Jan Baynham. 20 September 2015
Featured on "Smorgasbord - Variety is the Spice of Life". October
13 2015 by Judith Barrow. July 25, 2017
Buy from the publisher’s online bookstore:
from Amazon: or from other online
bookstores (Waterstones, WHSmiths). Signed copies available via author’s
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