Friday, 2 December 2016

Meet the participants of the Llandeilo X-Mas Book Fair: Kate Murray

Kate Murray was told she would never write…

 But from an early age she wanted to tell stories. So she told them, all the time, to anyone who would listen. At the age of twenty four she was diagnosed with dyslexia and suddenly the world of the written word was open to her. Now she writes from her workshop, which she calls her shed, in the foothills of the Cambrian Mountains. Kate is writing her way out of dyslexia.

You can see what she is up to on her blog (
So far she has written three selections of short stories, one murder mystery and a horror. Of those, the horror, The Gone, is about to get a sequel and there is also a disaster on the horizon.

Kate loves to make her stories come to life and to create strong female characters.

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