The First Llandeilo Book Fair last weekend has been such a great success that I have succumbed to the pressure of organising another one, and to doing so sooner, rather than waiting for another year.

So the date booked at the Civic Hall is Saturday 10th of December.
I have already more authors interested than I can accommodate – even if we ‘double up’ on some of the tables – and I might have to make some tough decisions in that respect.

If you are an author and want to participate, please email me with the following details:
Your author name,
your location,
number of books published and their genre,
language of your books (we had enquiries for Welsh language books),
links to your books on Amazon and/ or your website,
and any contributions to the programme you could make, i.e. readings, talks, workshops etc.
your location,
number of books published and their genre,
language of your books (we had enquiries for Welsh language books),

links to your books on Amazon and/ or your website,
and any contributions to the programme you could make, i.e. readings, talks, workshops etc.
Even if you already expressed an interest before, please send me an email to make sure this is recorded now, that an actual event is planned.
Priority will be given to
* local and Welsh language authors (especially those who missed out on the first Book Fair),
* local and Welsh language authors (especially those who missed out on the first Book Fair),

* those instrumental in the organisation of the last event,
* authors with new books and large portfolios which complement the range of genres on offers for our readers
*authors who are prepared to share a table